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A breast cyst is a fluid-filled sac within the breast tissue. It is a common and non-cancerous condition affecting many women. Breast cysts can occur at any age, but mostly appear in their 40s and 50s. They can cause breast lumps, tenderness, discomfort and many others. You may have multiple breast cysts, some cysts are small and sometimes large enough. Early diagnosis and treatment can give you relief from symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Breast Cysts?

Breast cysts can occur in one or both breasts. Many breast cysts don’t show any symptoms but you may find them during imaging tests. Still below mentioned visible symptoms indicate breast cyst:

  • Lump or thickening

A lump or thickening in breast is the most common symptom of breast cyst. It looks round or oval in shape and smooth in different edges. Also, it may feel soft or firm to the touch.

  • Pain or tenderness

Pain or tenderness is a sign of breast cyst. Especially just before menstruation, you may feel more pain in the affected breast because of cyst. The pain can be mild or sharp.

  • Redness or swelling

Swelling or redness in the affected breast is common in breast cyst. The affected breast may look larger or swollen than the other one. You may notice warmth or tenderness in the skin over the affected area.

  • Nipple discharge

Breast cysts cause nipple discharge. The discharge may be clear, cloudy or dark brown colour.

  • Changes in size

The size of the lump can change. You may notice changes in your lump size before and after your menstruation.

Types of Breast Cyst 

Your cyst can form in different formation. Types of breast cyst are:

  • Simple Breast Cyst

Simple breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs that are non-threating and non-cancerous. They often resolve on their own, shrinking without treatment.

  • Complex Breast Cyst

Complex breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs with thick walls, containing  solid components in it. This kind of cyst contains both fluid and solid. Unlike simple cysts, complex cysts may require additional tests to understand if they are cancerous or not.

  • Complicated Breast Cyst

A complicated breast cyst is a fluid-filled sac but it will have uneven borders or cloudy complicated cysts require closer examination to rule out any potential concerns.

Causes of Breast Cysts

Actually causes of breast cysts formation are unknown but the formation may depends on various points and  those points include:

Breast Cysts

  • Starting menopause & Hormonal therapy

Breast cysts are mostly happened with pre-menopausal women or with those who are undergoing hormone replacement therapy due to menopausal symptoms. Hormonal imbalance during periods are responsible for the increased prevalence. The imbalance of hormonal activity can have a impact on breast tissue, causing formation of cysts.

  • Reproductive history

Women who have never given birth or who had their first child after the age of 30 may face a slightly increased risk of developing breast cysts.

  • Estrogen and progesterone level

Changes in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause can stimulate breast tissue growth, leading to cyst formation. Hormonal imbalances caused by certain medical conditions or medications, can also contribute to cyst development.

  • Food and lifestyle factors

A diet high in saturated fats and low in fruits may increase the risk of breast cysts. Too much alcohol consumption disrupt hormonal balance and leads to cyst formation. Smoking introduces harmful substances that can disrupt hormonal balance and elevate the risk of breast cysts.

  • Environmental facts

Prolonged exposure to certain environmental factors, including radiation and harmful chemicals, may increase risk of developing breast cysts.

  • Family history

Women with a family history of breast cysts or breast cancer may be more likely to develop breast cysts.

Breast Cyst Diagnosis Procedure

Breast cysts are often detected during routine mammograms, but you may also detect larger cysts on your own. Procedures to diagnose breast cyst are:

  • Physical Assessment: A physical examination will be conduct to locate the exact location of cyst and asses it’s consistency.
  • Ultrasound : Through an ultrasound test doctor will check if the lump is solid or it is filled with fluid.
  • Mammograms: Mammograms are commonly used to diagnose breast cysts. It provides valuable information about breast tissue and guide for further treatment process.
  • Fine needle aspiration: In Fine Needle Aspiration process thin needle is used to extract fluid from the cyst which is then examined later. This helps to confirm the diagnosis of a breast cyst and it also rules out the possibility of cancer.
  • Breast MRI: Your doctor will recommend to do the test only if they suspect cancer or if they want a clear detailing. MRI is the most sensitive test to detect cancer at early stage.

How to prevent Breast Cysts?

Few lifestyle changes can help you to prevent breast cysts. The points are:

Breast Cysts

  1. Practice good breast health: Breast exams and mammograms can detect changes in breast tissue. It can also detect the formation of cysts. Self examine is must, so that you can inform your doctor if you see changes.
  2. Weight management: Maintaining a healthy weight is very much important. Overweight or obesity is linked with breast cyst. Proper diet control is important and physical exercise also.
  3. Limit your alcohol consumption: As discussed before consuming alcohol daily can increase the changes of breast cyst. So, stop taking it or limit your consumption.
  4. Quit smoking: National Cancer Institute declares that smoking is linked breast diseases, including breast cysts. If you quit smoking your overall health will improve and it also reduce the risk of breast cysts.

Treatment of Breast Cysts

No treatment is required for simple breast cysts, sometimes they can resolve by their own. But for others cases treatment of breast cysts include:

  • Fine needle aspiration can serve as both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for breast cysts. If the procedure successfully drains all the fluid from the cyst, and your symptoms resolve.
  • Birth control pills may help to reduce the chances of breast cysts by regulating menstrual cycles. However, due to significant side effects, hormone therapy, including birth control pills or medications like tamoxifen, is only recommended for women who have severe symptoms. Also, stopping hormone therapy after menopause may also prevent breast cysts from forming.
  • Surgical removal of a breast cyst is not necessary for everyone. For exceptional cases surgery may be considered. Like breast cyst causing discomfort, a cyst contains blood-tinged fluid or other concerning signs.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a breast cysts?

Answer: Breast cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms within the breast tissue.

  1. Are breast cysts cancerous?

Answer: No, breast cysts are non-cancerous.

  1. What are symptoms of breast cysts?

Answer: Symptoms breast cysts may include a smooth, round lump, breast tenderness, and nipple discharge.

  1. How to prevent breast cysts?

Answer: While there is no exact way to prevent breast cysts but maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding alcohol or smoking may help reduce the risk.


Female infertility refers to a woman’s inability to conceive or you can say a failure to achieve a pregnancy, even after trying a lot. When the ovaries produce eggs and it’s got fertilized by sperm, a new life begins and you get pregnant. But if after trying for one year you are facing difficulties to conceive, there may be an infertility issue. Almost 48 million women are affected worldwide.

Symptoms of female infertility

You may diagnosed with infertility problems after 1 year of trying with unprotected sex. There may be only a few symptoms through which you can identify infertility. Those symptoms are

  • Unable to conceive
  • Irregular periods, like delay/early periods or missed period
  • Light or heavy bleeding
  • Miscarriage

What are the causes of infertility in women?

Causes related to infertility in women are mentioned below:-

Female Infertility

1.Ovulation problem

Women who can not ovulate properly or have frequent ovulation may face trouble to conceive. Ovulation problem is related to many causes. Those causes are –

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: PCOS is a condition where your body releases more male hormone (androgen) than female hormones. This leads to suppression of the ovulation process due to lack of female hormones and it don’t allow mature eggs to release from ovaries. This is how the problem occurs. Without mature eggs pregnancy will not happen.
  • Hypothalamus dysfunction: Hypothalamus is a part of our brain that is important for reproductive system. This gland produce GnRH hormone that regulates two essential hormones, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and these are important for ovulation. Any imbalance or dysfunction in can disrupt hormone regulation, causing irregularities in ovulation and ultimately leading to infertility.
  • Premature ovarian failure: Premature ovarian failure condition where ovaries stop working and menstrual periods also stop before you enter in your 40s. Early menopause destroys the egg quality and quantity. The reason can be genetic or autoimmune influence. So, it can also be a reason for infertility.

2.Fallopian tube problem

When a woman ovulates, her eggs travel from ovaries to fallopian tubes. This is the point where the fertilization process occurs. After the fertilization process the developed embryo (early development stage of humans or animals) travels to uterus for implantation and you become pregnant. If the fallopian tube is blocked or damaged, it will block the root of sperm reaching to egg in the fallopian tube and due to this conditions no fertilization will occur. This will lead to infertility. Infections like PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease), tuberculosis and past surgeries also can damage fallopian tube.

3.Problem of uterus

  • Some people born with structural abnormalities of uterus. For this you may face difficulties in conceiving. Problem like Cervical Stenosis can happen. In this case the cervix become narrow, for which it may create problem for sperms to travel into uterus. This condition can lead to infertility.
  • Some people may suffer due to fibroids and polyps. It can prevent the fertilized eggs from implantation.


In the condition of endometriosis the tissue similar to the lining of uterus, grows outside the uterus or unusual places like in ovaries or fallopian tubes, which is risky, as it can block the fallopian tube or generate cysts in the ovaries. So, it can also lead to infertility.

5.Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases like thyroid, diabetes can affect your ovaries. An autoimmune attack to your ovaries can damage your egg count or eggs quality and make it difficult to get pregnant. So, it’s leads to infertility.


Age directly affect your fertility process. When you turned 30, the number of egg production and their quality started to decline.

7.Lifestyle factor

The way you live matters a lot in fertility. Unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, excess drinking, using tobacco, obesity, junk food intake, stress, poor diet and no exercise create complications for fertility.

Treatment of female infertility

Treatment of female infertility can be done through various ways like, medications, surgeries, assisted reproductive technologies and lifestyle changes.

Female Infertility

Medications or fertility drugs

Fertility drugs are used to stimulate ovulation for women who can’t ovulate. It also helps to balance hormones. Medications include:

  • Clomiphene Citrate: Your doctor may prescribe which will stimulate ovulation by causing the pituitary gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) & Luteinizing hormone (LH). These are essential for an ovarian follicle containing an egg. These medications can be taken orally or through injection.
  • Gonadotropins: Gonadotropins are used to treat female infertility related problems. These are injectable medications. These can stimulate ovulation and egg growth.
  • Metformin: Metformin is a drug that helps to improve insulin resistance, a common problem in PCOS. It will help to increase the frequency of ovulation.
  • Letrozole: It’s a oral pill that manages fertility. It is more effective than clomiphene with women who are suffering due to PCOS and obesity.

Assisted reproductive therapy (ART)

Assisted reproductive therapy refers to the group of medical treatments that are designed to help couples for conceive. With the help of laboratory and new technologies all of these are done.

  • In-vitro fertilization(IVF): After an egg retrieval surgery with the help of modern technologies egg & sperm are fertilize in a lab. Then the embryo will transfer to the womb directly. This process also gives you a chance to store embryos for future. The success rate of IVF is high and it’s getting popular day by day.
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This involves inserting sperm through uterus directly during ovulation period. A tiny catheter is used to deliver the sperm directly into the uterus near the fallopian tube, so that, the chance of fertilization may increase.
  • Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT): In case of GIFT eggs and sperm are injected into fallopian tube to fertilize naturally. This happens with a surgical procedure. With GIFT fertilization occurs inside the woman’s body, not in outside. After the fertilization process the embryos make their way to uterus for implantation.
  • Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT): ZIFT is also a ART procedure. Here the fertilization process happens in laboratory. The sperm & egg are fertilized outside and the embryo is placed in the fallopian tube.
  • Egg donation or Surrogacy: Egg donation is a method of ART, where a women with healthy eggs donate their eggs to other women so that she can conceive. In case of surrogacy, another women carry the baby of another couple.


Here are three types of surgical procedures for female infertility

  • Laparoscopic surgery: Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. Here a laparoscope ( thin lighted tube with camera) is inserted into your reproductive organ to start the treatment process. Problems like ovarian cysts can be removed through this.
  • Hysteroscopy surgery: Hysteroscopy allows a surgeon to look inside the uterus through a thin tube with camera. For this, they can easily understand the condition and can start the surgery. This surgery is useful to treat fibroids.
  • Tubal surgery: This surgery helps to prevent infertility. This surgery to related to fallopian tube. Tubal surgery treats the blocked and damaged fallopian tubes so that they can act properly.

Lifestyle change

Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising daily, eating fresh fruits & vegetables, quiting smoking and drinking can bring a huge change into your body and will reduce the chance of struggling due to infertility.

FAQ: Frequently asked Questions

  • What is infertility in female?

Answer: Infertility in women refers to the condition of not conceiving even after continuous trying.

  • What are the causes of infertility?

Answer: Ovulation problem, Infection, Fallopian tube damage and many others can cause infertility.

  • Does IVF really helps in infertility issue?

Answer: The success rate of IVF is high. People are trusting this process. And it’s a great option to overcome infertility.

  • What is tubal surgery?

Answer: Tubal surgery is related to fallopian tube. This surgery can fix any damages or blockages of fallopian tube.

  • How much common is infertility?

Answer: Infertility is very much common these days. Every 1 out of 5 female have this problem.

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